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DVD - A Day In The Life of Radio Caroline


DVD:  ‘A Day In The Life Of Radio Caroline’

On board the Ross Revenge, 1984

In July 1984, the  EAP video crew spent a full weekend on board the MV Ross Revenge  to film a full day in the life of Radio Caroline.

The video starts with a 6am sign-on by presenter Dave Richards.  Other presenters featured include Stuart Russell, Blake Williams, Jay Jackson, Tom Anderson and Stewart Vincent.

This is your chance to see offshore radio life behind the scenes. A full day on board, from breakfast to Peter Chicago switching off the transmitters at midnight.

Includes a special interview with Ronan O'Rahilly, founder of Radio Caroline.

Narrated by Bill Rollins

DVD - Eurosiege ‘85


DVD:  ‘Eurosiege ‘85’

The Story of the 1985 Siege of Laser 558 & Radio Caroline

When Laser 558 went on the air in 1984 an audience of several million soon grew over a short period of a few months, resulting in dwindling audience figures for Independent Local Radio (ILR) stations in London and the South East of the UK.

Collectively, the stations campaigned for something to be done and together with the Independent Broadcasting Authority (IBA), they funded the Department of Trade and Industry to instigate a blockade and surveillance of the offshore stations in order to starve them off the air by restricting supply vessels and prosecuting individuals who assisted Laser or Caroline.

The film crew visited both Laser 558 and Radio Caroline during the siege to make this report, and also visited a Department of Trade & Industry (DTI) press conference to obtain the reasons behind the blockade given by leading DTI officials.

Also including footage of the Laser 558 ship MV Communicator as she arrives in Harwich harbour. Featured are Johnny Lewis, Peter Philips, Charlie Wolf, Chris Carson, Tommy Rivers and Jonell.

Narrated by Ray Anderson.

DVD, 50 minutes

DVD - Caroline into the Eighties


Documentary (DVD):  ‘Caroline into the Eighties’:
Shot on board the Ross Revenge, before its transmissions started in 1983

This documentary traces the closedown of Radio Caroline in March 1980 when the 'Mi Amigo' sank during gale force storms.

The video then follows the arrival of the new radio ship, 'The Ross Revenge', off the East Coast of England in August 1983.

The video crew were the first news media to visit the ship and a part of this footage was shown on the UK’s (then) TV-AM.

Also featured are key Radio Caroline presenters from that time, namely Tom Anderson, Andy Archer, Dixie Peach, Robin Ross, Dave Symonds and Tony Garreth.

Duration: 20 minutes.

Narrated by Ray Anderson.

DVD (20 minutes duration)

Video Products

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